For nearly 15 years Oklahoma Catholic Radio has been spreading the Gospel message throughout Oklahoma.
Along with Deacon Larry Sousa, I am proud to be one of the founding members of Oklahoma Catholic Radio. We are delighted by the growth of Catholic Radio in Oklahoma. There are fourteen stations broadcasting the Gospel message across the state and more are planned for the future.
This eNewsletter is coming to you today because you are are a part of the Oklahoma Catholic Radio Family. As a friend of Oklahoma Catholic Radio, we hope that from time to time we can keep you updated about the activities of OKCR and the programs we provide. We also hope to highlight the many sponsors who provide such vital support.
As a father, I am glad that Oklahoma has a resource for atholic families to listen to, grow with, and learn from with Oklahoma Catholic Radio. Local programming and diverse programming from around the world provides something for everyone to listen to. To find the schedule for programming, visit
I am grateful to Archbishop Coakley for his leadership and to the priests and deacons who have helped us grow over the years. So many have spent hours with Deacon Larry and me during the semi-annual Radiothon.
I invite you to join me as a member of the
Keepers of the Airwaves Society. This group provides vital monthly support which is essential for future growth.
Thank you for your support and if I can ever be of assistance, please let me know.