"Traveling through Missouri enroute to Illinois, this summer,I happened upon a local, Catholic radio station broadcasting Raymond Arroyo's "The World Over Live". Arroyo interviews relevant guests on important cultural, political, and religious topics. His guests on, June 27th, piqued my interest.
I had never heard of Reggie Littlejohn, but her interview with Arroyo and my subsequent research revealed her impressive credentials. She is a graduate of Yale Law School and an international rights advocate, the founder of "Womens' Rights Without Frontiers". She is internationally recognized as an expert on the One Child Policy ( now the Two Child Policy). She has testified before Congress, the European Parliament, and also the British, Irish and Canadian Parliaments. Her documented, credible work validates her position that this Chinese policy is in reality "systematic, state-sponsored violence against women."
In her interview she discussed the ruinous effects this social engineering has had on China, and specifically on baby girls and elderly women. Forced abortions, sterilizations, and sex-selective abortions have resulted in female gendercide. The population imbalance translates into as many as 37 million more Chinese men than women. One result is widespread sex trafficking and sexual slavery. As if that were not bad enough, those fortunate to become married couples, have another calamitous problem. As only children, they become the sole support of their elderly parents. Without siblings to share the responsibilities, the support often collapses - children abandon parents or urge the parents to commit suicide. I was astonished to hear Littlejohn cite a state department statistic that as many as 590 Chinese commit suicide, a day!
Another guest on the program, Damien Thompson, reminded me that China is not the only country forcing abortion upon its citizens as a social solution. Thompson is editor-in-chief of the UK's "The Catholic Herald". He described a recent judicial executive order mandating an abortion for a mentally-disabled young woman despite objection from her and her mother. The order was overturned after public outcry. Raymond Arroyo noted the judge's determination that the abortion was less traumatic than adoption. Thompson lamented the feeble response from bishops as worldwide Catholic leaders, and referenced the barbaric new abortion law in New York.
Littlejohn and Thompson are effectively and courageously addressing the most important and foundational issues in the world. Without Catholic radio, I would not know them and their efforts. Their faith in action inspires me to learn more and participate."