"I love it when the Bradford pear trees billow with white blossoms, followed by the redbud display of violet hues, announcing Spring. These beautiful appearances shake off my winter doze and prompt me to get out and participate. The season is full of activities, celebrations, and milestones. Easter comes to mind, first, but there are also ballgames, graduations, Mother's Day, and more.
The Oklahoma Catholic Radio Radiothon also occurs in Spring. This fundraising event has been the primary support that has allowed OKCR to evangelize and grow throughout the state. Once in Spring and again in Fall, OKCR has broadcast for two consecutive days from 8 AM to 6 PM, each day. During the event, OKCR board members and volunteers connect with listeners and supporters in real time and ask for donations. Just as important, we ask our listeners to share how they glorify God via Catholic radio. I suspect many listeners, like me, find it compelling to hear the stories during the radiothon interviews, of how Catholic radio has influenced someone's life. It is the Communion of Saints at work.
You will want to be part of the Spring Radiothon. Because OKCR was able to make a wise equipment investment, remote broadcasting is now possible. This has opened the door for OKCR to cover more and to do it more creatively. OKCR president, Jeff Finnell introduced the 2021 Spring Radiothon this way; "We are utilizing this equipment to do remote broadcasts, so now we have the ability to expand our radiothons and conduct one day at a given parish in the archdiocese. The 2021 Spring Radiothon will be May 6th, 7th, and 8th. We hope to tap into an audience that has not heard us before - the Saturday listener, who is different from the weekday listener."
OKCR is extending its reach into the larger community, too. Thursday, May 6th, listeners will be able to join the Assembly of Catholic Professionals during their quarterly meeting. Via remote broadcast by OKCR, they will hear the address given by Congresswoman Stephanie Bice at the gathering.
Much of what OKCR listeners are accustomed to hearing during the radiothons has been parish-centered. Congresswoman Bice's talk may carry us beyond our parish borders to the national and global arena. We may be encountering priorities and intentions there that are very different from our own. At least for me, an intriguing and challenging concept is reconciling the expression of my Catholic faith of reliance on God's sovereignty with a world that demands that same trust and dependance on politics and government without acknowledging God.
When I first found Catholic radio on my car radio, I never imagined it to be more than a way to pass the time and learn a little about my faith. As I listened more and participated more, I was transformed. Catholic radio was an ongoing invitation to "seek God's face." With the ability to broadcast remotely, OKCR is making God's invitation personal to many more across the state.
Join me for the Spring Radiothon, May 6th, 7th, and 8th. You are invited to listen, call in, and contribute. OKCR continues to explore means to reach more of our community and share what it means to be Catholic. You are an important part of that community, and it would not be the same without you."